Love Makes The World Go Round : The Synenergy Story [MT106]

David Noel
Ben Franklin Centre for Theoretical Research
PO Box 27, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia.

Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, And men below, and saints above
--Sir Walter Scott, 'Lay of the Last Minstrel'

The Third Leg

To be able to stand freely and in a stable way on its own, a piece of furniture needs at least three legs. So far, in our examination of the makeup of the Matrix which forms our model of human society, we have distinguished two basic elements, Infocap (MT102) and Systons (MT103). Now we move on to the third and last element.

I have tried to build up an image of infocap as the substance, the material part, of operations and actions involving human society. Similarly, the concept of systons has been put forward as representing the entities which are the initiators, proponents, or receivers of these actions. To complete the model, a third element is needed, one which represents both what may be described as 'energy transfers' occurring in the actions, and also a sort of 'potential energy' functioning as a glue holding the systons together.

Clearly this element, for which I will be using the name 'synenergy', is a much less tangible concept than the ones used for the first two elements. Even so, I hope to demonstrate that its existence is 'real', real in the sense that it forms a logical and essential part of a model which can accurately describe what we regard as the 'real world'.

For this third element of Synenergy I will be using the following symbol:

Fig. 106.1 The Synenergy symbol

This symbol, with its curling 'antennas' and lower symmetry, perhaps has more of an organic look than the symbols used for infocap and systons. And it is in the nature of synenergy, as I envisage it, to be more organic, more of the nature of a 'life force' in the Matrix -- perhaps less easy to quantify than the other two elements, but nevertheless still amenable to the same process of generalization and rule--formation as the others.

For the moment we will not try to define Synenergy too closely. But a number of examples may help. Examples include communications, both telecommunications and all sorts of human speech and writing and symbolism, payments and all sorts of money transfers and some elements of asset transfers, together with a whole group of psychological entities such as pair-bonding, team spirit, and other feelings -- manifestations which can be generalized as 'love'.

In a way, synenergy can be regarded as the flow of infocap between systons.

There is another way of looking at the nature of synenergy, one based on an analysis technique called 'Dimensional Analysis'. This is an interesting topic, but not one basic to the ideas presented here.

Readers may refer to a standard source on Dimensional Analysis if they wish. But at this point, we need dwell only on two important implications of this type of analysis.


One of the underlying assumptions in the dimensional analysis of synenergy is that all forms of it are of the same basic nature. It is as if we are talking about apples and pears, pineapples and kiwifruit; all can be regarded as forms of fruit, all are parts of plants.

But when we come to talk about apples and gravity, or speed and anxiety, we are talking about things of a basically different nature.

Dimensional analysis would say that the dimensions of apples and gravity are quite different. In the sense used in this technique, 'dimensions' does not have the ordinary sense at all, but refers to the possession of a set of basic attributes. In the usual analysis, these attributes are length, time, and mass.

On the other hand, the dimensions of apples and pears will be the same, as far as this technique is concerned. And an important implication of this is that it is always possible, either in theory or in practice, to convert an item with a given dimensional structure into another item with the same structure.

In the example we have just used, it would suggest that it is theoretically possible to convert pears into apples. And in actual fact, the Chinese have already done this, many centuries ago. The resulting fruit, these days called a nashi fruit, may look just like an apple, even though a close genetic analysis would reveal it is actually a pear.

As far as synenergy is concerned, the implication is that any form of synenergy is, in principle, convertible into another form.

Proposition 106A***. All forms of synenergy are theoretically capable of interconversion

There is actually a word for this process, when it relates to certain types of synenergy in human society. We call it 'sublimation'.

There is a further derivation. If synenergy basically consists of a flow of infocap, its dimensional structure can be represented as that of infocap divided by time. In other words, if we can find units for infocap, a value for synenergy will be given in number of infocap units moving in unit time.

A useful comparison is with electricity, where everyone is familiar with the term kilowatt. A kilowatt is a measure of power, which has the dimensions of energy per unit time, so that a kilowatt is equivalent to one kilojoule per second. Of course a kilojoule is a measure of energy, we may find a food described as having "200 kilojoules per 100 gram portion".

So synenergy is to infocap, as power is to energy. We may as well mark this with a formal proposition:

Proposition 106B*. Synenergy has the units of infocap flow per unit time

The dimensional structure also implies that types of infocap are interconvertible, just as for synenergy:

Proposition 106C***. All forms of infocap are theoretically capable of interconversion

There is nothing particularly controversial in all this. All forms of energy have the same dimensions, and we are very familiar with the conversion of one form of energy into another, such as rotational energy turning into heat in an electric drill bit, or chemical energy turning into electrical energy in a car battery.

Conservation and Other Properties

There is another dimensional property we are familiar with. Entities with the same dimensional structure normally have the same general properties. One such property is called conservation.

In this sense, conservation means whether the entity can be created and destroyed or not. In the familiar world, energy is conserved. One form of energy may be converted into another, but can't be created from nothing, nor can it be destroyed. Sometimes it is hard to work out where the energy went to, but proper measurements will always reveal its destination and the fact that the total energy is unchanged.

Mass is another entity which we usually regard as conserved. In fact the famous Einstein equation describes how mass may be converted into energy, and vice versa, so this is not strictly true. Even so, in the atomic reactions where the equation applies, the total of mass plus energy is conserved.

Other scientific entities are not conserved. One such is 'entropy', essentially a measure of the randomness, or perhaps the degree of structuring of a body. The entropy of the Universe as a whole is supposed to be continually increasing as it "runs down".

As it happens, entropy has the same dimensions as information, in the scientific sense. And in Matrix Thinking, information is just one form of infocap. This leads naturally to the next proposition:

Proposition 106D**. Neither infocap nor synenergy are conserved

This is a simple and obvious feature of the real world, for which readers will be able to supply many examples from their own experience. Nevertheless, its generality is not generally appreciated. We will often see the implications of this proposition appearing elsewhere in this suite of articles.

Love Makes the World Go Round

Any satisfactory theory of how human society operates will need to address the question of motivation, the question of What Makes Things Happen. It seems to me reasonable that if all these motivational forces can be lumped together under one heading, that heading can be called synenergy.

Proposition 106E***. Synenergy flow is the major need and desire of all human-based systons

Think about it. The need for money and the desire for love, attention, and interaction with others are acknowledged as fundamental forces in human life. All these things have been classed together here under the heading of synenergy. I have suggested that synenergy is more or less the 'life force' of systons, and that its essence is the transfer of infocap.

But don't think about it too much. Instead, treat it as a true working proposition, and see how well the implications of this proposition lead to a valid model of society, as we move on to develop this model in the rest of this work. The proposition doesn't actually need to have an established logical justification, it only needs to give a good basis for analyzing the world -- or at least a better one than anything else around so far.

Time to Relax

This is only the sixth article in the suite, and already we have got through all the basic theoretical stuff, everything is downhill from now on. But watch out for a few crevasses on the way down.

So we can move on now (MT107), to look at how the different parts of a syston fit together and work together -- and how it can break down if this doesn't happen .

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Version 3.0, 2014 Jul 6-23, Reworked from chapter 106 of "Matrix Thinking" as one article in a suite on the World Wide Web.